Tuesday, 28 June 2016

David Connolly's paintings at the CIT School of Music.

David Connolly, Íde Ní Shúilleabháin, Yvonne Condon, Rosaleen Moore and John Keating (all GASP artists)  are exhibiting work at the Cork School of Music as part of  Include Irish Performing Arts festival which runs from  25th June - 2nd July 2016.

Painting on Canvas by David Connolly 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

David Connolly's artwork has been selected for Perceptions 2016 :The Art of Citizenship.

David Connolly's work  has been selected for the upcoming exhibition programme, Perceptions 2016: The Art of Citizenship organised by the Crawford Art Gallery, CIT Crawford College of Art and Design and Cork City Council Arts Office. This event aims to broaden the range of voices, visions, perceptions and approaches to creativity that the public engages with in cultural venues.  

David Connolly work.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Sound work-shop collaboration.

Artist Mick O'Shea in collaboration with David Connolly in the Sound Workshop during Expanding Realities.

David Connolly (GASP) paints inspired by the sound.

Mick O'Shea in conversation with David Connolly's painting, responding and inspiring.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Expanding Realities in Cork

David Connolly is delighted to be one of the GASP artists taking part in the Cork leg of Expanding Realities.

Work created in the Expanding Realities Open Studio in Bristol.
GASP  Cork, Art in Motion (AIM) Bristol Debajo del Sombrero Madrid  are three dynamic projects engaging the creativity, and supporting the professional development of artists who have much to contribute to society as artists and citizens. They seek to break barriers in society and in the world of art that may exclude or limit the participation of artists who may need additional supports. Expanding Realities is when they come together to create art. The Cork leg of Expanding Realities runs from the 13th - 17th of June.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Expanding Realities almost here!

David Connolly is  one of the GASP artists who will be invovled in the Cork Expanding Realities experience.
All the GASP artists are awaiting the arrival of their friends and fellow artists from Madrid and Bristol for the Cork leg of Expanding Realities.
GASP, Cork, Art in Motion (AIM) Bristol Debajo del Sombrero Madrid  are three dynamic projects engaging the creativity, and supporting the professional development of artists who have much to contribute to society as artists and citizens. They seek to break barriers in society and in the world of art that may exclude or limit the participation of artists who may need additional supports. Expanded Realities is when they come together to create art. The Cork leg of Expanded Realities runs from the 13th - 17th of June.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

David Connolly @ Sternview Gallery

Impressions from David Connolly painting in Nash 19 Sternview Gallery this morning

Monday, 7 March 2016

David Connolly featured in GASP @ Sternview Gallery opening this Wednesday 9th Feb at 6pm

GASP @ Sternview Gallery
Yvonne Condon, Katie Whelan, David Connolly, John Whelan February 25th – April 13th
Yvonne Condon, Untitled, paint on board, 2015

Yvonne Condon, Katie Whelan, David Connolly and John Whelan are Cork-based artists and members of the Glasheen Art Studio Programme (GASP). GASP is a network of artists working in the context of a supported studio. The GASP artists have individual approaches to making: painting, drawing, collage, and print. For this exhibition at Sternview Gallery the focus will be on the group’s painters, their styles, subject matter and atmospheres.